Monday, 3 December 2012

Easter Bunny Cards

It's been raining cats and dogs here since yesterday afternoon - the sun peeked out between the clouds about ten minutes ago - but it is still heavily overcast.  Just the weather for a nice lamb stew and a baked pudding (supper sorted!!)

I had bought another sheet of the "Easter" foam and foil stickers from the Crazy Store - made a few quick cards using some leftovers I had on my table.

Vegetable Themed Card

Sweet Themed Card

I added some "googly eyes" to the bunnies.   You can find "googly eyes" at most haberdasheries - even the hardware hypers are stocking them lately (craft section).

Bunny Themed Card

I used some of my paper flowers to embellish the card above.   These are super easy to make.    I used a flower stencil to stencil small flower shapes onto strips of paper with a pencil.    Dip the paper into water and then crumple up.   Leave crumpled until almost dry.    Uncrumple and gently smooth out (don't iron these).   Cut out the flower shapes.   Pierce a hole in the middle of each one (a darning needle works quite well)   Layer up three shapes and secure with a brad.

Bunny Themed Card

Bunny Themed Card

Food starting to smell really yum.   Off to add the next lot of ingredients and then maybe get a bit more crafting done before supper!

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