Friday 1 November 2013

Granny Square Bag

I have been super busy the past few days - gardening, making baby blankets and crochet bags for my WIP's.

We have had so much rain - and there is nothing like rainwater to get everything growing at an amazing rate!

The growth along some of the pathways had to be trimmed.     Jasmine and ivy had to be tamed.  The lavender garden had also grown a bit wild and needed some serious tidying up.  About half of the rose bushes got a light pruning after the first flush faded and there was plenty of deadheading to be done on the gerberas and different varieties of daisies.

My cycads are unbelievable!   One of them has almost forty new leaves - WOW!

LOVE the rain!!

Was a bit stressed out this afternoon - it started to hail,  a few fairly big hailstones - luckily a bit of a storm in a teacup and it passed over before it could do any damage.

I mentioned in my previous POST that I had made a stack of small granny squares.    I made three baby blankets (more about this next time) and still had 14 squares to spare.    I tried them this way and that but they just did not look like they wanted to be a baby blanket.    I spotted a crochet bag made from granny squares on Pinterest (13 squares needed) - oh perfect!   I just knew this was what they were meant to be:

crochet granny bag

The "funny bird" which I appliqued on is something I have been working on for my cards - but the bag was just begging for something fun:

granny crochet bag

The bag is perfect for toting a WIP around:

crochet granny bag

I love it to bits - definitely going to be making a few more of these!

crochet granny bag

Still had a bit of the knotted together scraps left, so I made another "floppy" bag:

Crochet Bag

The bottom is dark grey with a bit of teal, then white, turquoise, a teeny bit of dark purple, lilac and then white.

crochet bag

I made this one quite a bit smaller than the last two FLOPPY BAGS

crochet bag

Embellished it with the last of my scrappy flowers and leaves, once again using small buttons for the flower centres:

crochet bag

All four project bags are filled with my current WIP's - neat and tidy, and ready to go at a moment's notice!

Still awake at this late hour as I was catching up on Series (I like to save them until I have quite a few episodes and then watch them back to back - while blogging, crocheting and munching on crisps) - one of the advantages of having grown up children and no boss to report to in the morning!!

One final cuppa for Mr Owl and myself and we can call it a day!

Good night all!


  1. Thank you for showing your beautiful bags.. They are so pretty and then practical too. Love it.

  2. Lovely baga. Thank you. I will definetly try to make the.
