Friday 19 August 2016

Seaside Winter Blanket: Square 10 Pennington

Hello Seaside CAL-ers and welcome to Part 10 of our Seaside Winter Blanket CAL!

We only have a few more stops to make along the lovely Kwa Zulu Natal South Coast before our Seaside Journey comes to an end.

I will be consolidating the weekly patterns into a single SEASIDE WINTER BLANKET PATTERN, which will be available for purchase on Ravelry.    The individual square patterns will remain FREE on my blog, so you can work at your own pace and make as many blankets as you like.

Please take a moment to read the following posts, if you have not already done so as they contain important information regarding yarn requirements, hook size, blanket sizes and layouts, joining method and other useful CAL information:


This week we will be making the "Pennington" Square - the 10th CAL Square and the 9th small square, measuring 19cm x 19cm including the two border rounds.  

crochet squares

We will be crocheting 1 more small square and 1 more large square before moving on to the border and edging of the blanket.

Pennington is situated about 74km south of Durban and is the ideal holiday spot for families of all ages.   The lovely tidal pool provides relatively safe swimming year round - perfect for toddlers and golden oldies alike!

(Please remember that the two Bonus Squares, "Amanzimtoti"and "Southbroom" are not included in my original layout and have therefore not been included in the count)


Make 1 x Pennington Square for the Baby Blanket Make 2 x Pennington Squares for the Lapghan.


Foundation:  3ch, ss to form ring or make a magic ring.

Round 1:   3ch (counts as 1hdc, 1ch);  (1hdc into ring, 1ch) x7.   (8 x 1hdc, 1ch).   Sl st into 2nd of start ch to close.   Break off yarn.

Round 2:  Join yarn in any 1ch sp.  2ch, 1dc into ring (counts as 2dc tog), 2ch;   (2dc tog into next 1ch sp,  2ch) x7.   (8 x 2dc tog, 2ch).   Sl st into top of start 2dc tog to close.   Break off yarn.

Round 3:  Join yarn in any 2ch sp.   2ch, 1dc (counts as 1dc tog) into same sp as join, 2ch, 2dc tog into same sp as join, 2ch;   [2dc tog, 2ch, 2dc tog into next 2ch sp (grouping), 2ch] x7.   (8 x groupings, 2ch).   Sl st into top of start 2dc tog to close.   Break off yarn.

Round 4:  Join yarn in 2ch sp at centre of any grouping.   3ch (counts as 1dc), 3dc into same 2ch sp, 1ch, (1dc, 1trc into top of 2dc tog in Round 2; 1dc into 2ch sp bet groupings), 1ch;  [(4dc into 2ch at centre of next grouping), 1ch, (1dc, 1trc into top of 2dc tog in Round 2, 1dc into 2ch sp bet groupings) 1ch] x7.   Sl st into 3rd of start ch to close.   Break off yarn.

Round 5:  Join yarn between 2nd and 3rd dc of any 4dc grouping.   [2ch, 1dc (counts as 2dc tog), 3ch, 2dc tog into same place as join];  (1dc in 1ch sp;  1Fpdc around each of next 3sts;  1dc in 1ch sp);
[(2dc tog, 3ch, 2dc tog into space between 2nd and 3rd dc of next 4dc group);  (1dc in 1ch sp;  1Fpdc around each of next 3sts;  1dc in 1ch sp)] x7. Sl st into top of start 2dc tog to close.   Break off yarn.

Round 6:  Join yarn in any 3ch space.     [2ch, 1dc (counts as 2dc tog), 2ch;  (2dc tog, 2 ch, 2dc tog into same sp as join) (fan)];  1Bpdc around each of next 5sts;
[(2dc tog, 2ch, 2dc tog, 2ch, 2dc tog into next 3ch sp);  1Bpdc around each of next 5sts] x7.  Sl st into top of start 2dc tog to close   Break off yarn.

Round 7:  Join yarn in 1st st of any Bpdc grouping.   2ch (counts as 1hdc), 1hdc into each of next 4Bpdc;  (2sc into next 2ch sp) x2;  (2dc into next st;  2trc into next st;  1dtrc into next st;  2trc into next st;  2dc into next st);  (2sc into next 2ch sp) x2

[1hdc into each of next 5Bpdc;  (2sc into next 2ch sp) x2; (2dc into next st;  2trc into next st;  1dtrc into next st;  2trc into next st;  2dc into next st);  (2sc into next 2ch sp) x2] x3.   Sl st into 2nd of start ch to close.   Break off yarn.

Round 8:  Join yarn in top of any dtrc;  3ch (counts as 1dc), (1dc, 3ch, 2dc in same place as join);  1dc into each of next 21sts;
[(2dc, 3ch, 2dc into next dtrc);  1 dc into each of next 21sts] x3.   Sl st into 3rd of start ch to close.  Break off yarn.

Crochet Border Rounds 1 and 2 around Square.


A huge thank you once again to, Ritha Vishwanath of HOOKS, NEEDLES AND MORE for the time and effort put into testing the Pennington Square.

PS:   The official CAL has ended but you can still join in at your leisure.  The links to all the patterns for the CAL can be found in the pinned post of our Seaside Winter Blanket Group


  1. Hi Zelna, is there possibly a mistake in Row 7? In the second paragraph, there is one sequence with 2dtrc and one with 1dtrc, and no 5hdc in between, and you say to do those 3x. Or am I reading it wrong somehow? Looking at the picture, I get the impression that it should be sequences with 1dtrc for the corners, interspersed with 5hdc for sides...

    1. Hi Sanna, It was indeed supposed to be 1dtrc. As for the the rest of the sequence a gremlin somehow crept in (no idea what happened as it was correct when my tester checked it) - I have corrected it now. Thanks for pointing it out!

  2. Thank you so much for checking! That makes sense now. The square, like all the others, is so beautiful and fun to make.
