Zooty Owl's Crafty Blog

Colourful Crochet, Craft, Cooking, and Contemplations

Wednesday 29 January 2014

How About THOSE Colours!?

I am always on the lookout for Colour Ideas!

Spotted some scatter cushions in a rather unusual colour combo while at the mall this morning. When I got home I quickly put away the cold stuff (the rest of the shopping is still standing on the kitchen table) - I just had to see what THOSE colours would look like in crochet!!

Grabbed a hook and the colours I needed (Lime, Aqua, Jade, Teal, Beige and Coral) and started to crochet!  

This is a very easy and quick square, of which I have seen quite a few versions.   Mine is based on the pattern "Square Target" which can be found in  Jan Eaton's 200 Crochet Blocks for Blankets, Throws and Afghans. The book is very reasonably priced and is an absolute delight to own!

Observe the colours please people - try to ignore the rather untidy crochet done with a too big hook!

granny square colour ideas

Its a weird combo - but I think I like it!........

So much so that instead of actually paying attention to my WIP's (packing the shopping away being primary here) I am hooking away some more at my sloppy square (well you can't really get the full picture until you have at least done one repeat of the colours!!)

And as the square grows a silly little idea starts to form in my head!     A beach house bag!    Something soft and floppy into which I could bundle a few balls of yarn and a hook or two for a bit of impromptu hooky when the opportunity arises....

But for now I really really have to stop for a bit.     Have a bite to eat (oops forgot about lunch), have a cuppa and pack away the shopping!

But, for now........

granny square colour ideas

How about THOSE colours!?